
Showing posts from September, 2021

5 Signs That You Need a New AC Unit

  Whatever the case may be, what's likely is that after enjoying the hot summer months, you'll want to relax at home in the blissfully air-conditioned space. However, if your current air conditioning is not working properly, makes alarming noises when you turn it on, or smells foul, you'll hardly find it relaxing to hang out inside. Not to mention, if your air conditioner hardly emits any hot air, it's hardly worth having at all! As per the air conditioning repair Hickory, NC , experts these are all signs you should think about getting a new AC unit. 1. Your HVAC System is Old Most HVAC units last between 15 and 20 years, depending on the level of maintenance they received during their lifespan. If your cooling unit is getting on in years or is even older, replacing it may be a good idea. Often, warranties no longer cover models older than the typical lifespan. This means that between parts and labor costs, any repairs your aging system needs could cost as much as i...